- The fundamental ideas behind classes are
data abstraction
. - The only difference between classes and structs is the default visibility.
- Use the prefix
to denote a private variable. - class can reduces duplication
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Initializing a class
1 | Entity e("Randolfluo"); //stack |
Allocate on the heap:
- Object really really binggggg!
- I want to explicitly control the lifetime of the object.
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Log class
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class lifetime
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constructor && destructor
Don’t forget initialization.
The constructor is automatically executed when the object is instantiated and does not need to be called manually.
- A class can have multiple constructors. Each constructor must differ from the others in the number or types of its parameters.
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virtual function
- Base on Dynamic Dispatch && v table,cause performance loss.
- Like java’s overwrite
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virtual destruction
- When the parent class pointer points to the child class, the correct fictitious function is called to prevent memory leaks
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Initialization List
- Initializers help you get initialization done quickly
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